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  3. 2015/12/18

Morpho’s Software “Morpho HDR” featured in “Aquaris M” series of BQ brand smartphone

Tokyo, Japan – December 18, 2015 – Morpho, Inc. (hereinafter, “Morpho”), a global leader in software image processing solutions for mobile devices, today announced that Morpho is providing its high dynamic range imaging software “Morpho HDR™”, which provides brightness-adjusting image capture capabilities to "Aquaris M” series smartphone which will be launched in November 2015 by Spanish smartphone manufacturer BQ.

About the Product

Morpho HDR™

"Morpho HDR" is an embedded software program for correcting the dynamic range of colors in a still image. The software outputs a high-quality HDR image without ghost effects and artifacts, by combining multiple images with different levels of exposure, aligning them seamlessly and estimating the dynamic range of colors. "Morpho HDR" provides industry's top-class quality outputs and has been used by major global manufacturers of smartphones.
*“Morpho HDR” is a trademark of Morpho, Inc.
*Inventions related to “Morpho HDR” are patented in Japan and the USA.
*“Morpho” and Morpho logo are registered trademarks of Morpho, Inc.
* “BQ” and “Aquaris” are registered trademarks by Mundo Reader, S.L.

About Morpho, Inc.:

Established in 2004, Morpho, Inc. has built substantial brand recognition in the field of software image processing for mobile devices. Customers utilizing Morpho, Inc.’s software technologies include carriers, processing platform providers and mobile device manufacturers making the company a global player in mobile imaging. For more information visit or contact or follow us on Facebook (