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  3. Panorama Image Generation for Selfie Photography

Panorama Image Generation for Selfie Photography

Morpho Panorama Selfie™

“Morpho Panorama Selfie” is an embedded software for generating panoramic self-portraits.

Use Case

  • Smartphone / tablet

Function or Purpose

  • Panorama shooting


  • Panorama selfie generation technology combining Morpho's unique synthesis technology, face-detection technology, and brightness correction technology.
  • Unnoticeable seams despite uneven brightness, and human face deformation pevention.

Product Details

“Morpho Panorama Selfie” is an embedded software for generating self-portraits in panorama mode. The software is especially tuned for taking beautiful selfies, which accurately localizes the target face, minuses distortions over the face, and adjusts the color balance of the foreground and background for stitching a seamless panorama.

The Format to Provide the Product

Library files and technical documentation for application development are provided to suit your operating environment. Please contact our representative for details.